Zivid C++ API 2.10.0+8ce7dae3-2
Defining the Future of 3D Machine Vision
Classes | Namespaces | Functions
ProjectedImage.h File Reference
#include <Zivid/Detail/CoreExport.h>
#include <Zivid/Detail/Pimpl.h>
#include <Zivid/Frame2D.h>
#include <Zivid/Settings2D.h>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <string>

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class  Zivid::Experimental::ProjectedImage
 A handle to a 2D image being displayed on Zivid camera's projector More...


namespace  Zivid
 The main Zivid namespace. All Zivid code is found here
namespace  Zivid::Experimental


ZIVID_CORE_EXPORT std::ostream & Zivid::Experimental::operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const ProjectedImage &projectedImage)
 Serialize the value to a stream More...