Zivid C++ API 2.10.0+8ce7dae3-2
Defining the Future of 3D Machine Vision
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345678]
 NZividThe main Zivid namespace. All Zivid code is found here
 CDetectionResultA result returned by the detectFeaturePoints(...) call
 CHandEyeInputBinds together a robot pose and the detection result acquired from the pose
 CHandEyeOutputThe hand-eye calibration result containing the computed pose and reprojection errors for all the input poses
 CHandEyeResidualRepresentaton of the estimated errors of a calibrated hand-eye transform
 CMultiCameraOutputThe results from a multi-camera calibration process
 CMultiCameraResidualRepresentation of the estimated errors of a multi-camera calibration
 CPoseDescribes a robot pose
 CSuggestSettingsParametersUsed to specify a constraint on the total capture time for the settings suggested by the Capture Assistant, and optionally specify the ambient light frequency.
 CHasValidRangeCheck if T has a ValidRange constraint
 CHasValidSizeCheck if T has a ValidSize constraint
 CHasValidValuesCheck if data model type T has a ValidValues constraint
 CProjectedImageA handle to a 2D image being displayed on Zivid camera's projector
 CCategoryBasePreset category. A preset category contains a collection of presets optimized for one scenario or use case.
 CPresetBasePresets are pre-defined settings that are tuned for different camera models to perform optimally under different conditions and use cases.
 CVisualizerSimple visualizer component for point clouds
 CApplicationManager class for Zivid
 CArray2DTwo-dimensional container of data
 CCameraInterface to one Zivid camera
 CCameraInfoInformation about camera model, serial number etc.
 CFirmwareVersionThe firmware version on the camera
 CModelThe model of the camera
 CModelNameThe model name of the camera. This is a user-friendly display name that may contain spaces and special characters. We recommend to use Model instead if you want to programmatically check for camera model.
 CRevisionThe hardware revision of the camera
 CSerialNumberThe serial number of the camera
 CUserDataInformation about user data capabilities of the camera
 CCameraIntrinsicsInformation about the intrinsic parameters of the camera (OpenCV model)
 CCameraMatrixThe camera matrix K (=[fx,0,cx;0,fy,cy;0,0,1])
 CDistortionThe radial and tangential distortion parameters
 CCameraStateInformation about camera connection state, temperatures, etc.
 CAvailableFlag if camera is physically connected to the computer, but not connected in software. When the camera is in this state, you can call connect().
 CConnectedFlag if camera is connected in software
 CTemperatureCurrent temperature(s)
 CColorBGRAColor with 8-bit blue, green, red and alpha channels
 CColorRGBAColor with 8-bit red, green, blue and alpha channels
 CComputeDeviceContains information about the compute device used by Zivid::Application.
 CExceptionA common base class for all Zivid exceptions.
 CFrameA frame captured by a Zivid camera
 CFrame2DA 2D frame captured by a Zivid camera
 CFrameInfoVarious information for a frame
 CSoftwareVersionThe version information for installed software at the time of image capture
 CSystemInfoInformation about the system that captured this frame
 CTimeStampThe time of frame capture
 CImageA 2-dimensional image
 CMatrixA fixed size matrix in row major order
 CNormalXYZNormal vector with three coordinates as float
 CPointCloudPoint cloud with x, y, z, RGB color and SNR laid out on a 2D grid
 CPointXYPoint with two coordinates as float
 CPointXYZPoint with three coordinates as float
 CPointXYZColorBGRAStruct which contains XYZ point and BGRA color packed together
 CPointXYZColorRGBAStruct which contains XYZ point and RGBA color packed together
 CPointXYZWPoint with four coordinates as float
 CPointZPoint with Z coordinate
 CRangeClass describing a range of values for a given type T
 CResolutionClass describing a given resolution
 CSettingsSettings used when capturing with a Zivid camera
 CAcquisitionSettings for a single acquisition
 CAcquisitionsList of Acquisition objects
 CDiagnosticsWhen Diagnostics is enabled, extra diagnostic information is recorded during capture. This extra information is included when saving the frame to a .zdf file, and will help Zivid's support team to provide better assistance
 CExperimentalExperimental features. These settings may be changed, renamed, moved or deleted in the future.
 CProcessingSettings related to processing of a capture, including filters and color balance
 CRegionOfInterestRemoves points outside the region of interest.
 CSamplingSampling group
 CSettings2DSettings used when capturing 2D images with a Zivid camera
 CAcquisitionSettings for a single acquisition
 CAcquisitionsList of acquisitions. Note that the Zivid SDK only supports a single acquisition per capture in 2D mode.
 CProcessingProcessing related settings
 CSNRSignal-to-Noise ratio (SNR)
 CVectorXYZVector with three coordinates as float