Zivid C++ API 2.14.1+b4e8f261-1
Detector.h File Reference

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namespace  Zivid
 The main Zivid namespace. All Zivid code is found here.
namespace  Zivid::Calibration


ZIVID_CORE_EXPORT DetectionResult Zivid::Calibration::detectCalibrationBoard (Zivid::Camera &camera)
 Detects feature points from a calibration board using the given camera.
ZIVID_CORE_EXPORT DetectionResult Zivid::Calibration::detectCalibrationBoard (const Frame &frame)
 Detects feature points from a calibration board in a frame.
ZIVID_CORE_EXPORT DetectionResultFiducialMarkers Zivid::Calibration::detectMarkers (const Frame &frame, const std::vector< int > &allowedMarkerIds, const MarkerDictionary &markerDictionary)
 Detects fiducial markers such as ArUco markers in a frame.
ZIVID_CORE_EXPORT Frame Zivid::Calibration::captureCalibrationBoard (Zivid::Camera &camera)
 Capture calibration board with the given camera.
ZIVID_CORE_EXPORT DetectionResult Zivid::Calibration::detectFeaturePoints (const PointCloud &cloud)
 Detects feature points from a calibration board in a point cloud.