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SamplingGroup Properties

The SettingsSamplingGroup type exposes the following members.

Public propertyColor
Choose how to sample colors for the point cloud. The `rgb` option gives a 2D image with full colors. The `grayscale` option gives a grayscale (r=g=b) 2D image, which can be acquired faster than full colors. The `disabled` option gives no colors and can allow for even faster captures. The `grayscale` option is not available on all camera models.
Public propertyPixel
Set whether the full image sensor should be used with white projector light or only specific color channels with corresponding projector light. Using only a specific color channel will subsample pixels and give a smaller resolution. Subsampling decreases the capture time, as less data will be captured and processed. Picking a specific color channel can also help reduce noise and effects of ambient light. Projecting blue light will in most cases give better data than red light.
See Also