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SettingsColor Property

Specify the settings used for the 2D color image when doing a 2D+3D capture. The value type of this node is a `Zivid::Settings2D` object. This setting was introduced in SDK 2.14, as the recommended way to define the acquisition and processing settings for the 2D color image when doing 2D+3D captures. When this setting is set, it controls how the 2D color image of the 2D+3D capture is acquired and processed. This setting can be used to specify custom acquisition and processing settings that apply only to the 2D color image. These provided settings does not affect the 3D acquisition or processing. When this setting is not set, then the 2D color image is acquired based on `Settings/Acquisitions` and `Settings/Sampling/Color`, and processed based on `Settings/Processing/Color`. If `Settings/Sampling/Color` is set to `disabled`, then no 2D color image is acquired. This behavior is to be consistent with SDK 2.13 and earlier. In the next SDK major version, SDK 3.0, only this `Color` setting will control the 2D color image settings. The `Settings/Sampling/Color` and `Settings/Processing/Color` settings are deprecated as of 2.14, and will be removed from the API in SDK 3.0. Zivid recommends all users to use `Settings/Color` to define the 2D color image settings. Tip: If you want to convert an existing settings.yml file to use `Settings/Color`, you can import the .yml file into Zivid Studio and then re-export it to .yml.

Namespace:  Zivid.NET
Assembly:  ZividCoreNET (in ZividCoreNET.dll) Version:
public Settings2D Color { get; set; }

Property Value

Type: Settings2D
See Also