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MarkerDictionary Class

Holds information about fiducial markers such as ArUco markers for detection
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Zivid.NET
Assembly:  ZividCoreNET (in ZividCoreNET.dll) Version:
public class MarkerDictionary : IDisposable

The MarkerDictionary type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberAruco4x4_100
Built-in OpenCV dictionary of ArUco markers of size 4x4 with a dictionary size 100
Public propertyStatic memberAruco4x4_1000
Built-in OpenCV dictionary of ArUco markers of size 4x4 with a dictionary size 1000
Public propertyStatic memberAruco4x4_250
Built-in OpenCV dictionary of ArUco markers of size 4x4 with a dictionary size 250
Public propertyStatic memberAruco4x4_50
Built-in OpenCV dictionary of ArUco markers of size 4x4 with a dictionary size 50
Public propertyStatic memberAruco5x5_100
Built-in OpenCV dictionary of ArUco markers of size 5x5 with a dictionary size 100
Public propertyStatic memberAruco5x5_1000
Built-in OpenCV dictionary of ArUco markers of size 5x5 with a dictionary size 1000
Public propertyStatic memberAruco5x5_250
Built-in OpenCV dictionary of ArUco markers of size 5x5 with a dictionary size 250
Public propertyStatic memberAruco5x5_50
Built-in OpenCV dictionary of ArUco markers of size 5x5 with a dictionary size 50
Public propertyStatic memberAruco6x6_100
Built-in OpenCV dictionary of ArUco markers of size 6x6 with a dictionary size 100
Public propertyStatic memberAruco6x6_1000
Built-in OpenCV dictionary of ArUco markers of size 6x6 with a dictionary size 1000
Public propertyStatic memberAruco6x6_250
Built-in OpenCV dictionary of ArUco markers of size 6x6 with a dictionary size 250
Public propertyStatic memberAruco6x6_50
Built-in OpenCV dictionary of ArUco markers of size 6x6 with a dictionary size 50
Public propertyStatic memberAruco7x7_100
Built-in OpenCV dictionary of ArUco markers of size 7x7 with a dictionary size 100
Public propertyStatic memberAruco7x7_1000
Built-in OpenCV dictionary of ArUco markers of size 7x7 with a dictionary size 1000
Public propertyStatic memberAruco7x7_250
Built-in OpenCV dictionary of ArUco markers of size 7x7 with a dictionary size 250
Public propertyStatic memberAruco7x7_50
Built-in OpenCV dictionary of ArUco markers of size 7x7 with a dictionary size 50
Public methodDispose
Releases all resources used by the MarkerDictionary
Public methodGetNativePtr
Public methodMarkerCount
Query the number of markers in the dictionary.
Public methodToString
Get the string representation of the dictionary.
(Overrides ObjectToString.)
For more information on ArUco markers see the OpenCV documentation on ArUco markers To get more information about fiducial markers in general, refer to the wikipedia page
See Also