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AccuracyEstimateDimensionAccuracy Property

The estimated dimension accuracy error obtained if the correction is applied

Namespace:  Zivid.NET.Experimental.Calibration
Assembly:  ZividCoreNET (in ZividCoreNET.dll) Version:
public float DimensionAccuracy { get; }

Return Value

Type: Single
A 1-sigma (68% confidence) upper bound for trueness error in the working volume
This number represents a 1-sigma (68% confidence) upper bound for dimension trueness error in the working volume (z=ZMin to z=ZMax, across the entire field of view). In other words, it represents the expected distribution of local dimension trueness measurements (see CameraVerification) that can be expected if measuring throughout the working volume. The returned value is a fraction (relative trueness error). Multiply by 100 to get trueness in percent. Note that the accuracy close to where the original data was captured is likely much better than what is implied by this number. This number is rather an accuracy estimate for the entire extrapolated working volume.
See Also