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Frame Class

A frame captured by a Zivid camera
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Zivid.NET
Assembly:  ZividCoreNET (in ZividCoreNET.dll) Version:
public class Frame : IDisposable

The Frame type exposes the following members.

Public methodFrame
Initializes a new instance of the Frame class
Public methodFrame(Frame*)
Initializes a new instance of the Frame class
Public methodFrame(String)
Create a frame by loading data from a file
Public propertyCameraInfo
Information about the camera used to capture the frame
Public propertyFrame2D
Get 2D frame from 2D+3D frame.
Public propertyInfo
Additional information associated with the frame
Public propertyPointCloud
The point cloud
Public propertySettings
The camera settings at the time of the frame capture
Public propertyState
The camera state data at the time of the frame capture
Public methodClone
Returns a clone of the frame. The clone will include a copy of all of the point cloud data on the compute device memory. This means that the returned frame will not be affected by subsequent modifications on the original frame or point cloud.
Public methodDispose
Releases all resources used by the Frame
Public methodLoad
Load a frame from a Zivid data file
Public methodSave
Save the frame to file
Public methodToString
Get string representation of the frame
(Overrides ObjectToString.)
Contains the point cloud (stored on compute device memory) as well as calibration data, settings and state used by the API at time of the frame capture. Use PointCloud to access point cloud data. Note that if this Frame object was returned from a call to `Camera::Capture(Settings^)` or `Camera::Capture(Settings2D^)`, then there may still be remaining data transfer and processing going on in the background. When you call a method on the Frame object that requires the capture to be finished, for example PointCloud, the method will block until the point cloud is available.
See Also