Zivid C++ API 2.14.2+1a322f18-1
Zivid::Calibration::MarkerShape Class Reference

Holds physical (3D) and image (2D) properties of a detected fiducial marker. More...

#include <Zivid/Calibration/MarkerShape.h>

Public Member Functions

ZIVID_CORE_EXPORT std::array< PointXY, 4 > cornersInPixelCoordinates () const
 Get 2D image coordinates of the corners of the detected marker.
ZIVID_CORE_EXPORT std::array< PointXYZ, 4 > cornersInCameraCoordinates () const
 Get 3D spatial coordinates of the corners of the detected marker.
ZIVID_CORE_EXPORT int id () const
 Get the id of the detected marker.
ZIVID_CORE_EXPORT Pose pose () const
 Get 3D pose of the marker.
ZIVID_CORE_EXPORT std::string toString () const
 Get string representation of the marker shape.

Detailed Description

Holds physical (3D) and image (2D) properties of a detected fiducial marker.

For more information on ArUco markers see the OpenCV documentation on ArUco markers. To get more information about fiducial markers in general, refer to the wikipedia page.

Member Function Documentation

◆ cornersInCameraCoordinates()

ZIVID_CORE_EXPORT std::array< PointXYZ, 4 > Zivid::Calibration::MarkerShape::cornersInCameraCoordinates ( ) const

Get 3D spatial coordinates of the corners of the detected marker.

3D spatial coordinates of the corners of the detected marker.

◆ cornersInPixelCoordinates()

ZIVID_CORE_EXPORT std::array< PointXY, 4 > Zivid::Calibration::MarkerShape::cornersInPixelCoordinates ( ) const

Get 2D image coordinates of the corners of the detected marker.

2D image coordinates of the corners of the detected marker.

◆ id()

ZIVID_CORE_EXPORT int Zivid::Calibration::MarkerShape::id ( ) const

Get the id of the detected marker.

The id of the detected marker.

◆ pose()

ZIVID_CORE_EXPORT Pose Zivid::Calibration::MarkerShape::pose ( ) const

Get 3D pose of the marker.

The returned pose will be positioned at the center of the marker, and have an orientation such that its z-axis points perpendicularly into the face of the marker.

The XYZ position and orientation of the marker in the form of a Pose object.

◆ toString()

ZIVID_CORE_EXPORT std::string Zivid::Calibration::MarkerShape::toString ( ) const

Get string representation of the marker shape.

Marker shape as string

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