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ProjectionPixelsFrom3DPoints Method

Get 2D projector pixel coordinates corresponding to 3D points relative to the camera

Namespace:  Zivid.NET.Projection
Assembly:  ZividCoreNET (in ZividCoreNET.dll) Version:
public static IList<PointXY> PixelsFrom3DPoints(
	Camera camera,
	IList<PointXYZ> points


Type: Zivid.NETCamera
Reference to camera instance.
Type: System.Collections.GenericIListPointXYZ
List of 3D points in the camera frame

Return Value

Type: IListPointXY
List of 2D projector pixel coordinates
This function takes 3D points in the camera's reference frame and converts them to the projector frame using the internal calibration of a Zivid camera. In a Zivid point cloud, each point corresponds to a pixel coordinate in the camera, but the projector has a slight offset. The translation of each point depends on the distance between the camera and the point, as well as the distance and angle between the camera and the projector.
See Also