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CalibratorCalibrateMultiCamera Method

Performs multi-camera calibration.

Namespace:  Zivid.NET.Calibration
Assembly:  ZividCoreNET (in ZividCoreNET.dll) Version:
public static MultiCameraOutput CalibrateMultiCamera(
	IEnumerable<DetectionResult> detectionResults


Type: System.Collections.GenericIEnumerableDetectionResult
List of DetectionResult instances

Return Value

Type: MultiCameraOutput
Instance of MultiCameraOutput
Multi-camera calibration is used in a multi-camera setup to find the pose of secondary cameras in the frame of a designated primary camera, e.g. to combine points clouds into a single frame of reference. The input is generated by imaging the same calibration board from each camera and inserting the resulting point clouds into Detector. Add the resulting DetectionResult objects to a sequence with the first element corresponding to the primary camera. The returned object contains an array of transforms, which provides the pose of camera[i] in the frame of camera[0]. Apply transform[i] to the points from camera[i] to get the same points in the frame of camera[0]. The returned object also contains an array of residuals corresponding to each transform.
See Also