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CameraCapture Method (Settings)

Capture a single frame

Namespace:  Zivid.NET
Assembly:  ZividCoreNET (in ZividCoreNET.dll) Version:
public Frame Capture(
	Settings settings


Type: Zivid.NETSettings
Settings to use for the capture

Return Value

Type: Frame
A frame containing a 3D point cloud and metadata. Depending on the settings, the frame may also contain a 2D color image.
This method is deprecated as of SDK 2.14, and will be removed in the next SDK major version (3.0). Use Capture2D3D(Settings) instead for capturing 2D+3D frames or use Capture3D(Settings) for capturing 3D frames without a 2D color image. `capture` returns a frame containing a 3D point cloud, and optionally a 2D color image. The 2D color image is captured by default. To disable the 2D color image capture, set SettingsSamplingGroupColorOption to Disabled. This method shares the common remarks about capture functions as found in the "Remarks" section of Capture2D3D(Settings).
See Also