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Duration Structure

Hi-resolution time span. Valid range is 1 nanosecond to 292 years.

Namespace:  Zivid.NET
Assembly:  ZividCoreNET (in ZividCoreNET.dll) Version:
public struct Duration

The Duration type exposes the following members.

Public propertyHours
Gets the value of the duration expressed in hours.
Public propertyMicroseconds
Gets the value of the duration expressed in microseconds.
Public propertyMilliseconds
Gets the value of the duration expressed in milliseconds.
Public propertyMinutes
Gets the value of the duration expressed in minutes.
Public propertyNanoseconds
Gets the value of the duration expressed in nanoseconds.
Public propertySeconds
Gets the value of the duration expressed in seconds.
Public propertyTicks
Gets the value of the duration expressed in ticks.
Public propertyTimeSpan
Gets the value of the duration expressed as a TimeSpan structure.
Public methodStatic memberFromHours
Returns a duration that represents the specified number of hours.
Public methodStatic memberFromMicroseconds
Returns a duration that represents the specified number of microseconds.
Public methodStatic memberFromMilliseconds
Returns a duration that represents the specified number of milliseconds.
Public methodStatic memberFromMinutes
Returns a duration that represents the specified number of minutes.
Public methodStatic memberFromNanoseconds
Returns a duration that represents the specified number of nanoseconds.
Public methodStatic memberFromSeconds
Returns a duration that represents the specified number of seconds.
Public methodStatic memberFromTicks
Returns a duration that represents the specified number of ticks.
Public methodStatic memberFromTimeSpan
Returns a duration that represents the specified time span.
See Also