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CameraCapture Method (Settings)

Capture a single frame

Namespace:  Zivid.NET
Assembly:  ZividCoreNET (in ZividCoreNET.dll) Version:
public Frame Capture(
	Settings settings


Type: Zivid.NETSettings
Settings to use for the capture

Return Value

Type: Frame
A frame containing a 3D image and metadata
This method returns right after the acquisition of the images is complete, and the camera has stopped projecting patterns. Therefore, after this method has returned, the camera can be moved, or objects in the scene can be moved, or a capture from another camera with overlapping field of view can be triggered, without affecting the point cloud. When this method returns, there may still be remaining data to transfer from the camera to the PC, and the processing of the final point cloud will not be completed yet. Transfer and processing will continue in the background. When you call a method on the returned Frame object that requires the capture to be finished, for example PointCloud, the method will block until the point cloud is available. If an exception occurs during capture but after the acquisition was completed (and this method returned), then that exception is instead thrown when you access the Frame object. `capture` can be called from multiple threads at the same time. However, all the capture commands will be queued (first in, first out). If several captures are queued, the next capture will not begin until the previous capture has completed all acquisition, transfer and processing. Note that these remarks apply for both 3D and 2D capture.
See Also