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CalibratorIntrinsics Method (Camera, Settings)

Intrinsic parameters of a given camera and settings.

Namespace:  Zivid.NET.Experimental.Calibration
Assembly:  ZividCoreNET (in ZividCoreNET.dll) Version:
public static CameraIntrinsics Intrinsics(
	Camera camera,
	Settings settings


Type: Zivid.NETCamera
Reference to camera instance.
Type: Zivid.NETSettings
Reference to settings instance.

Return Value

Type: CameraIntrinsics
A CameraIntrinsics instance.
These intrinsic parameters take into account the expected resolution of the point clouds captured with these settings. Note: This function returns intrinsics for a fixed temperature and aperture value. The only part of Settings currently used by this function is Settings::Sampling::Pixel and Settings::Processing::Resampling::Mode. For a 2D+3D capture, the 2D color image and 3D point cloud may have different resolutions, depending on the pixel sampling and resampling settings used in the Settings and in the Color. This function returns intrinsics applicable for the 3D point cloud resolution. You can use Intrinsics(Camera, Settings2D) with Color for 2D intrinsics.
See Also