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CalibratorCalibrateEyeToHandLowDOF Method

Performs eye-to-hand calibration for low degrees-of-freedom robots.

Namespace:  Zivid.NET.Experimental.Calibration
Assembly:  ZividCoreNET (in ZividCoreNET.dll) Version:
public static HandEyeOutput CalibrateEyeToHandLowDOF(
	IEnumerable<HandEyeInput> inputs,
	FixedPlacementOfCalibrationObjects fixedObjects


Type: System.Collections.GenericIEnumerableHandEyeInput
Collection of HandEyeInput instances.
Type: Zivid.NET.Experimental.Calibration.HandEyeLowDOFFixedPlacementOfCalibrationObjects
Specifies the fixed placement of calibration objects in the robot's end-effector frame.

Return Value

Type: HandEyeOutput
Instance of HandEyeOutput.
For robots with low degrees-of-freedom (DOF), that is, less than 6 DOF, the robot pose and capture inputs are not alone sufficient to uniquely identify the solution to the hand-eye calibration. This procedure additionally takes knowledge about the fixed placement of the calibration objects in the scene to provide a unique solution. For 6 DOF robots, consider using the `CalibrateEyeToHand` function instead. The procedure requires all robot poses to be different. At least 2 poses are required when using a calibration board, or 6 poses when using fiducial markers. For fiducial markers, each marker must be detected across 2 poses at minimum. An exception will be thrown if the preceding requirements are not fulfilled. Note: the units of the input robot poses must be consistent with the units of the point clouds used to create the detection results. Zivid point clouds are, by default, in millimeters.
See Also