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PointCloudCopyColorsSRGB Method

Point colors (sRGB) as a byte array of rank 3 with size height * width * 4

Namespace:  Zivid.NET
Assembly:  ZividCoreNET (in ZividCoreNET.dll) Version:
public byte[,,] CopyColorsSRGB()

Return Value

Type: Byte
Rank 3 byte array of SRGB color values
This method copies the colors from compute device memory to host (CPU) system memory (RAM) and returns them as a byte array. The format of the image will be four channels (R,G,B,A), with 8 bits per channel. The sRGB color space is suitable for showing an image on a display for human viewing. It is easier to see details in darker areas of an image in sRGB, than in linear RGB, as more of the dynamic range is dedicated to darker colors. This color space is assumed by default by most monitors and should be used when displaying an image. The returned byte array holds the same pixel data as the ImageSRGB returned by CopyImageSRGB. However, the ImageSRGB provides additional functionality such as saving the image to a file.
See Also