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PointCloudCopyPointsXYZColorsRGBA Method

Get PointXYZColorRGBA as an array of rank 2 with size height * width

Namespace:  Zivid.NET
Assembly:  ZividCoreNET (in ZividCoreNET.dll) Version:
public PointXYZColorRGBA[,] CopyPointsXYZColorsRGBA()

Return Value

Type: PointXYZColorRGBA
Rank 2 array of PointXYZColorRGBA
This method copies the 3D point coordinates and colors from compute device memory to host (CPU) system memory (RAM) and returns them as an array of PointXYZColorRGBA. PointXYZColorRGBA contains point coordinates stored as floats in a PointXYZ, and colors stored as RGBA (8 bits per channel) in a ColorRGBA.
See Also