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PointCloud Methods

The PointCloud type exposes the following members.

Public methodCopyColorsBGRA
Point colors (BGRA) as a byte array of rank 3 with size height * width * 4
Public methodCopyColorsRGBA
Point colors (RGBA) as a byte array of rank 3 with size height * width * 4
Public methodCopyColorsSRGB
Point colors (sRGB) as a byte array of rank 3 with size height * width * 4
Public methodCopyImageBGRA
Point colors (BGRA) as a 2D image
Public methodCopyImageRGBA
Point colors (RGBA) as a 2D image
Public methodCopyImageSRGB
Point colors (sRGB) as a 2D image
Public methodCopyNormalsXYZ
Normal vectors (x, y, and z) as a float array of rank 3 with size height * width * 3
Public methodCopyPointsXYZ
Point coordinates (x, y, and z) as a float array of rank 3 with size height * width * 3
Public methodCopyPointsXYZColorsBGRA
Get PointXYZColorBGRA as an array of rank 2 with size height * width
Public methodCopyPointsXYZColorsRGBA
Get PointXYZColorRGBA as an array of rank 2 with size height * width
Public methodCopyPointsXYZW
Point coordinates as 4D (homogeneous coordinates) as a float array of rank 3 with size height * width * 4
Public methodCopyPointsZ
Point Z values as a 2D float array of size height * width
Public methodCopySNRs
Get signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) values as a 2D float array of size height * width
Public methodDispose
Public methodDownsample
Downsample the point cloud in-place
Public methodDownsampled
Get a downsampled point cloud
Public methodToString
Get string representation of the PointCloud
(Overrides ObjectToString.)
Public methodTransform(Single)
Transform the point cloud in-place by the given 4x4 transformation matrix, represented as a 2D array
Public methodTransform(Matrix4x4)
Transform the point cloud in-place by the given 4x4 transformation matrix
See Also