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PointCloudCopyImageBGRA Method

Point colors (BGRA) as a 2D image

Namespace:  Zivid.NET
Assembly:  ZividCoreNET (in ZividCoreNET.dll) Version:
public ImageBGRA CopyImageBGRA()

Return Value

Type: ImageBGRA
Point colors as 8-bit BGRA image
This method copies the colors from compute device memory to host (CPU) system memory (RAM) and returns them as an Image. The format of the image will be four channels (B,G,R,A), with 8 bits per channel. The returned ImageBGRA holds the same pixel data as the byte array returned by CopyColorsBGRA. However, the ImageBGRA provides additional functionality such as saving the image to a file. This format holds linear color values, which are suitable as input to computer vision algorithms. For showing colors on a display for viewing, consider using the ColorSRGB format.
See Also