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Settings2DProcessingGroupColorGroupExperimentalGroupModeOption Enumeration

This setting controls how the color image is computed. `automatic` is the default option. It performs tone mapping for HDR captures, but not for single-acquisition captures. Use this mode with a single acquisition if you want to have the most control over the colors in the image. `toneMapping` uses all the acquisitions to create one merged and normalized color image. For HDR captures the dynamic range of the captured images is usually higher than the 8-bit color image range. `toneMapping` will map the HDR color data to the 8-bit color output range by applying a scaling factor. `toneMapping` can also be used for single-acquisition captures to normalize the captured color image to the full 8-bit output. Note that when using `toneMapping` mode the color values can be inconsistent over repeated captures if you move, add or remove objects in the scene. For the most control over the colors in the single-acquisition case, select the `automatic` mode.

Namespace:  Zivid.NET
Assembly:  ZividCoreNET (in ZividCoreNET.dll) Version:
public enum ModeOption
  Member nameValueDescription
See Also