▼NZivid | The main Zivid namespace. All Zivid code is found here |
▼NCalibration | |
CDetectionResult | A result returned by the detectFeaturePoints(...) call |
CHandEyeInput | Binds together a robot pose and the detection result acquired from the pose |
CHandEyeOutput | The hand-eye calibration result containing the computed pose and reprojection errors for all the input poses |
CHandEyeResidual | Representaton of the estimated errors of a calibrated hand-eye transform |
CMultiCameraOutput | The results from a multi-camera calibration process |
CMultiCameraResidual | Representation of the estimated errors of a multi-camera calibration |
CPose | Describes a robot pose |
▼NCaptureAssistant | |
►CSuggestSettingsParameters | Used to specify a constraint on the total capture time for the settings suggested by the Capture Assistant, and optionally specify the ambient light frequency |
CAmbientLightFrequency | Adapt suggested settings to the ambient light frequency. This can be used to avoid artifacts in the point cloud due to AC powered ambient light being mixed in with the camera's projector light |
CMaxCaptureTime | Capture time budget. This budget assumes a high-end computer meeting Zivid's recommendations. The actual capture time may differ, based on your computer's performance and (for Zivid 2 and 2+) your network connection speed |
▼NDataModel | |
CHasValidRange | Check if T has a ValidRange constraint |
CHasValidSize | Check if T has a ValidSize constraint |
CHasValidValues | Check if data model type T has a ValidValues constraint |
CIsOptional | |
▼NExperimental | |
►NCalibration | |
CAccuracyEstimate | A dimension accuracy estimate for a specific working volume |
CCameraCorrection | An in-field correction that may be written to a camera |
CCameraVerification | An assessment of the current dimension trueness of a camera at a specific location |
CInfieldCorrectionInput | Container for input-data needed by in-field verification and correction functions |
CPixelMapping | Pixel mapping from subsampled to full resolution |
▼NPresets | |
CCategoryBase | Preset category. A preset category contains a collection of presets optimized for one scenario or use case |
CPresetBase | Presets are pre-defined settings that are tuned for different camera models to perform optimally under different conditions and use cases |
▼NProjection | |
CProjectedImage | A handle to a 2D image being displayed on Zivid camera's projector |
▼NVisualization | |
CVisualizer | Simple visualizer component for point clouds |
CApplication | Manager class for Zivid |
CArray2D | Two-dimensional container of data |
CCamera | Interface to one Zivid camera |
▼CCameraInfo | Information about camera model, serial number etc |
CFirmwareVersion | The firmware version on the camera |
CHardwareRevision | Hardware revision of this camera. This corresponds to the revision string that is printed on the product label |
CModel | The model of the camera |
CModelName | The model name of the camera. This is a user-friendly display name that may contain spaces and special characters. We recommend to use Model instead if you want to programmatically check for camera model |
►CRevision | Major/Minor hardware revision number. This field is deprecated and may be removed in a future version of the SDK. Please use HardwareRevision instead |
CMajor | Major hardware revision number. This field is deprecated and may be removed in a future version of the SDK. Please use HardwareRevision instead |
CMinor | Minor hardware revision number. This field is deprecated and may be removed in a future version of the SDK. Please use HardwareRevision instead |
CSerialNumber | The serial number of the camera |
►CUserData | Information about user data capabilities of the camera |
CMaxSizeBytes | The maximum number of bytes of user data that can be stored in the camera |
▼CCameraIntrinsics | Information about the intrinsic parameters of the camera (OpenCV model) |
►CCameraMatrix | The camera matrix K (=[fx,0,cx;0,fy,cy;0,0,1]) |
CCX | X coordinate of the principal point |
CCY | Y coordinate of the principal point |
CFX | Focal length in x |
CFY | Focal length in y |
►CDistortion | The radial and tangential distortion parameters |
CK1 | First radial distortion term |
CK2 | Second radial distortion term |
CK3 | Third radial distortion term |
CP1 | First tangential distortion term |
CP2 | Second tangential distortion term |
▼CCameraState | Information about camera connection state, temperatures, etc |
CAvailable | Flag if camera is physically connected to the computer and is available for use, but not connected in software. This corresponds to the Status enums available or firmwareUpdateRequired . Zivid recommends to use the Status enum instead of this bool |
CConnected | Flag if camera is connected in software. This bool is true when the Status value is connected . Zivid recommends to use the Status enum instead of this bool |
CInaccessibleReason | If the camera status is inaccessible , then this enum value will give you the reason |
►CNetwork | Current network state |
►CIPV4 | Current IPv4 protocol state |
CAddress | Current IPv4 address |
CStatus | This enum describes the current status of this camera. The enum can have the following values: |
►CTemperature | Current temperature(s) |
CDMD | DMD temperature |
CGeneral | General temperature |
CLED | LED temperature |
CLens | Lens temperature |
CPCB | PCB temperature |
CColorBGRA | Color with 8-bit blue, green, red and alpha channels |
CColorBGRABase | |
CColorRGBA | Color with 8-bit red, green, blue and alpha channels |
CColorRGBABase | |
CColorSRGB | Color with 8-bit red, green, blue and alpha channels in the sRGB color space |
CComputeDevice | Contains information about the compute device used by Zivid::Application |
CException | A common base class for all Zivid exceptions |
CFrame | A frame captured by a Zivid camera |
CFrame2D | A 2D frame captured by a Zivid camera |
▼CFrameInfo | Various information for a frame |
►CSoftwareVersion | The version information for installed software at the time of image capture |
CCore | Core version |
►CSystemInfo | Information about the system that captured this frame |
►CComputeDevice | Compute device |
CModel | Compute device model |
CVendor | Compute device vendor |
CModel | CPU model |
COperatingSystem | Operating system |
CTimeStamp | The time of frame capture |
CImage | A 2-dimensional image |
CMatrix | A fixed size matrix in row major order |
CNormalXYZ | Normal vector with three coordinates as float |
CPointCloud | Point cloud with x, y, z, RGB color and SNR laid out on a 2D grid |
CPointXY | Point with two coordinates as float |
CPointXYZ | Point with three coordinates as float |
CPointXYZColorBGRA | Struct which contains XYZ point and BGRA color packed together |
CPointXYZColorRGBA | Struct which contains XYZ point and RGBA color packed together |
CPointXYZW | Point with four coordinates as float |
CPointZ | Point with Z coordinate |
CRange | Class describing a range of values for a given type T |
CResolution | Class describing a resolution with a width and a height |
▼CSettings | Settings used when capturing with a Zivid camera |
►CAcquisition | Settings for a single acquisition |
CAperture | Aperture setting for the camera. Specified as an f-number (the ratio of lens focal length to the effective aperture diameter) |
CBrightness | Brightness controls the light output from the projector |
CExposureTime | Exposure time for each single image in the measurement. Affects frame rate |
CGain | Analog gain in the camera |
CAcquisitions | List of Acquisition objects |
►CDiagnostics | When Diagnostics is enabled, additional diagnostic data is recorded during capture and included when saving the frame to a .zdf file. This enables Zivid's Customer Success team to provide better assistance and more thorough troubleshooting |
CEnabled | Enable or disable diagnostics |
CEngine | Set the Zivid Vision Engine to use |
►CProcessing | Settings related to processing of a capture, including filters and color balance |
►CColor | Color settings |
►CBalance | Color balance settings |
CBlue | Digital gain applied to blue channel |
CGreen | Digital gain applied to green channel |
CRed | Digital gain applied to red channel |
►CExperimental | Experimental color settings. These may be renamed, moved or deleted in the future |
CMode | This setting controls how the color image is computed |
CGamma | Gamma applied to the color values. Gamma less than 1 makes the colors brighter, while gamma greater than 1 makes the colors darker |
►CFilters | Filter settings |
►CCluster | Removes floating points and isolated clusters from the point cloud |
►CRemoval | Cluster removal filter |
CEnabled | Enable or disable cluster removal |
CMaxNeighborDistance | Maximum normalized distance between neighboring points that are still classified as belonging to the same cluster. The default value is optimal for most scenes. On messy scenes turning this setting down helps removing more bad points |
CMinArea | Clusters with area below this threshold are removed by the filter. The area is given in mm^2 |
►CExperimental | Experimental filters. These may be renamed, moved or deleted in the future |
►CContrastDistortion | Corrects artifacts that appear when imaging scenes with large texture gradients or high contrast. These artifacts are caused by blurring in the lens. The filter works best when aperture values are chosen such that the camera has quite good focus. The filter also supports removing the points that experience a large correction |
►CCorrection | Contrast distortion correction filter |
CEnabled | Enable or disable contrast distortion correction |
CStrength | Strength of correction. Higher values give more correction |
►CRemoval | Contrast distortion removal filter |
CEnabled | Enable or disable contrast distortion removal |
CThreshold | Threshold for removal. Higher values remove more points |
►CHole | Contains filters that can be used to deal with holes in the point cloud |
►CRepair | Fills in point cloud holes by interpolating remaining surrounding points |
CEnabled | Enable or disable hole repair |
CHoleSize | Relative diameter of holes to fill. Increasing this will fill more points, but require more computation time. The maximum allowed hole size scales with distance, so that we allow filling larger holes at greater distances, measured in mm |
CStrictness | Level of strictness when considering if a point should be filled. A higher level of strictness requires a missing point to be surrounded by valid points on more sides in order to be filled. Increasing this will fill fewer points, but it will be less likely to fill gaps that are not circular, for example between two edges |
►CNoise | Contains filters that can be used to clean up a noisy point cloud |
►CRemoval | Discard points with signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) values below a threshold |
CEnabled | Enable or disable the SNR filter |
CThreshold | Discard points with signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) below the given value |
►CRepair | Get better surface coverage by repairing regions of missing data due to noisy points. Consider disabling this filter if you require all points in your point cloud to be of high confidence |
CEnabled | Enable or disable noise repair |
►CSuppression | Reduce noise and outliers in the point cloud. This filter can also be used to reduce ripple effects caused by interreflections. Consider disabling this filter if you need to distinguish very fine details and thus need to avoid any smoothing effects |
CEnabled | Enable or disable noise suppression |
►COutlier | Contains a filter that removes points with large Euclidean distance to neighboring points |
►CRemoval | Discard point if Euclidean distance to neighboring points is above a threshold |
CEnabled | Enable or disable the outlier filter |
CThreshold | Discard point if Euclidean distance to neighboring points is above the given value |
►CReflection | Contains a filter that removes points likely introduced by reflections (useful for shiny materials) |
►CRemoval | Discard points likely introduced by reflections (useful for shiny materials) |
CEnabled | Enable or disable the reflection filter. Note that this filter is computationally intensive and may affect the frame rate |
CMode | The reflection filter has two modes: Local and Global. Local mode preserves more 3D data on thinner objects, generally removes more reflection artifacts and processes faster than the Global filter. The Global filter is generally better at removing outlier points in the point cloud. It is advised to use the Outlier filter and Cluster filter together with the Local Reflection filter |
►CSmoothing | Smoothing filters |
►CGaussian | Gaussian smoothing of the point cloud |
CEnabled | Enable or disable the smoothing filter |
CSigma | Higher values result in smoother point clouds (Standard deviation of the filter coefficients) |
►CResampling | Settings for changing the output resolution of the point cloud |
CMode | Setting for upsampling or downsampling the point cloud data by some factor. This operation is performed after all other processing has been completed |
►CRegionOfInterest | Removes points outside the region of interest |
►CBox | Removes points outside the given three-dimensional box |
CEnabled | Enable or disable box filter |
CExtents | Two points on the normal describing the direction and distance from the plane from which the normal is derived |
CPointA | A point such that the vector from PointO to PointA describes the first edge of the parallelogram |
CPointB | A point such that the vector from PointO to PointB describes the second edge of the parallelogram |
CPointO | The point at the intersection of two adjacent edges defining a parallelogram |
►CDepth | Removes points that reside outside of a depth range, meaning that their Z coordinate falls above a given maximum or below a given minimum |
CEnabled | Enable or disable depth filter |
CRange | Specify the minimum and maximum Z value that will be included |
►CSampling | Sampling settings |
CColor | Choose how to sample colors for the pointcloud. The rgb option gives all colors for a regular Zivid camera. The disabled option gives no colors and can allow for faster captures. It is also useful if you want to avoid projecting white light in the subsampling modes under Sampling::Pixel |
CPixel | Set whether the full image sensor should be used with white projector light or only specific color channels with corresponding projector light. Using only a specific color channel will subsample pixels and give a smaller resolution |
▼CSettings2D | Settings used when capturing 2D images with a Zivid camera |
►CAcquisition | Settings for a single acquisition |
CAperture | Aperture setting for the camera. Specified as an f-number (the ratio of lens focal length to the effective aperture diameter) |
CBrightness | Brightness controls the light output from the projector |
CExposureTime | Exposure time for the image |
CGain | Analog gain in the camera |
CAcquisitions | List of acquisitions. Note that the Zivid SDK only supports a single acquisition per capture in 2D mode |
►CProcessing | Processing related settings |
►CColor | Color settings |
►CBalance | Color balance settings |
CBlue | Digital gain applied to blue channel |
CGreen | Digital gain applied to green channel |
CRed | Digital gain applied to red channel |
CGamma | Gamma applied to the color values. Gamma less than 1 makes the colors brighter, while gamma greater than 1 makes the colors darker |
►CSampling | Sampling settings |
CPixel | Use this setting to obtain an image that matches a point cloud captured with the equivalent sampling setting |
CSNR | Signal-to-Noise ratio (SNR) |
CVectorXYZ | Vector with three coordinates as float |