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CameraStateStatusOption Enumeration

This enum describes the current status of this camera. The enum can have the following values: * `inaccessible`: The camera was discovered, but the SDK is not able to connect to this camera. This can be because the IP settings of the camera and the PC are not compatible, or because there are several cameras with the same IP connected to your PC. The `InaccessibleReason` enum will give you more details about why this camera is not accessible. The network configuration of the camera can be changed using the ZividNetworkCameraConfigurator CLI tool. See the knowledge base for more information. * `busy`: The camera is currently in use by another process. This can be a different process on the same PC, or on a different PC if the camera is shared on a network. * `applyingNetworkConfiguration`: The camera network configuration is being changed by the current process. * `firmwareUpdateRequired`: The camera is accessible, but requires a firmware update before you can connect to it. * `updatingFirmware`: The camera firmware is currently being updated in the current process. * `available`: The camera is available for use by the current process. This means that you can invoke camera.connect() on this camera. * `connecting`: The camera is currently connecting in the current process. * `connected`: The camera is connected in the current process. This means camera.connect() has successfully completed and you can capture using this camera. * `disconnecting`: The camera is currently disconnecting in the current process. When disconnection has completed, the camera will normally go back to the `available` state. * `disappeared`: The camera was found earlier, but it can no longer be found. The connection between the PC and the camera may be disrupted, or the camera may have lost power. When in `disappeared` state, the camera will not be returned from `Application::cameras()`. The camera will go back to one of the other states if the camera is later found again.

Namespace:  Zivid.NET
Assembly:  ZividCoreNET (in ZividCoreNET.dll) Version:
public enum StatusOption
  Member nameValueDescription
See Also